Sunday, March 14, 2010

almost 27 weeks!

So bed rest is bed rest!!! I'm very thankful for all the family and friends that have come by and called. It really helps the time pass. I can't believe that it's been almost 2 weeks already. I really hope that time continues to pass this quickly. I have a Dr's appointment this Friday. I still contract multiple times throughout the day. The medication is doing a good job of keeping it under control though. I have to say one of the hardest things right now is getting use to having some take care of me. Other than Michael of course. 

The nursery is almost done being painted. It's def purple!!! I think it will look so good once the furniture gets in. Speaking of....I called to see why our furniture had not come in yet as promised and the lady told me that it would be an additional 6 weeks!!!! I was pissed!!! Kennedi might bed here by then!!! Not that she would be home but I'd really like to have the room done prior to her arrival. Well when I called and let them know I was upset, they asked me if there was anything that we still needed for the nursery. I told them the only thing we needed was the rocker and they gave us a $750 dollar rocker/recliner that we had been wanting off the showroom floor. I guess that will keep me happy for another 6 weeks till the rest of the furniture gets here.

Nothing else new to really update for now.

1 comment:

The Cleavelin Chronicles said...

Hang in there! Congrats on the rocker!