Sunday, January 25, 2009

pregnancy update!!!

Well nothing new here really. I went for my first official OB appointment about a week and a half ago. He did all the normal questions and exams. He tried to use the doppler to hear the baby but he said that I might not be far enough along to hear it. Well I wasn't it made me sad and kind of worried. He said not to worry about it...easier said than done. I've been learning to give it to GOD and trust that everything is ok with the baby. Michael has been amazing and helpful, I could not ask for a better support system than him. So we go back in the middle of Feb for our next OB appointment and I'm anxious to hear the heartbeat. Symptoms have been nausea that comes and goes at times, but as long as I eat frequently then I'm good. The tiredness has let up a little lately. I bought some pregnancy pants and those are the most amazing things for a pregnant woman. So that's it for now. I will catch you up later.

Monday, January 5, 2009

7 weeks and 4 days

We went back to the Dr. today and I was surprised that they did another sonogram. I just went for a follow up from all the problems we had two weeks ago. This time I got to hear the heartbeat and see it. The heartbeat measured in the 120's and the Dr. said that everything was looking great. He measured the baby at 7 weeks and 4 days. He lifted my restrictions and now I'm able to exercise, and resume normal daily functions, which is good because I start working tomorrow. He told me that we were lucky that we didn't have more than one baby because it looked like I had released more than one egg back in Nov. We would have been happy either way. There was no more blood in my uterus, and the baby has grown so much. The picture above does it no justice. They had to use a portable sono machine this time and it doesn't give as clear of a picture as the first sono we had done. We feel so relieved now that everything is progressing like it should be. I go back tomorrow for them to do all my initial lab work and to talk to the accounting department about setting up a payment plan, I'm a little nervous to see what it's going to cost. Anyways. I'm off to bed. I was up till almost 3 this morning feeling like I was going to get sick. I'm so grateful that the morning sickness is not as bad as it could be.